Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HP: Day 9

So many things made me happy today (Guggenheim fiftieth anniversary wonderfulness, magnificent Kandinsky paintings, finding out Kandinsky was a 30 year old lawyer when he decided he wanted to be an artist, dropped the law, and became one of the greatest artists of the last century, Guggenheim cookies, making every bus/subway at exactly the right time, hanging out with my favorite wife and person, having dinner with my favorite wife and person at one of our favorite restaurants, free wine with dinner, AMAZING dinner, ridiculously good movie in which first 10 minutes were in yiddish with subtitles and next five minutes were in hebrew without subtitles, talking about the ridiculously good movie with good friends I went to the movie with, reading Blood Meridian on the A train home). So am I really gonna go with this?

Yes. I am.

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