Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Office

Ok, so 1 it's been a while and 2 I hate that I've become one of those people that blogs every seven months and says it's been a while.

But I am blogging for a reason today. I watch the office, like all good patriotic americans. And like all said americans, I was thrilled and disappointed that pam and jim got together. I'd like to make a wager. How long will they last?

I say 7 episodes. That is, 7 episodes from when they got together. 7 episodes from episode 1. I'm counting the hour long episodes as single episodes, even though they're clearly going to be shown separately in repeats.

Now, I realize saying 7 episodes is sort of crazy, as 5 have already aired and there are no signs of breakup in sight. Or, none to the casual observer. Yet, this is why I am putting this post up now, so I will be vindicated.

I'd also like to point out that it's pretty clear that episode 7 has not yet been written as of the moment (writer's strike, only one more episode (episode 6) is in the works) see numerous articles on this. Ok, so that's my theory. I can explain it now but I'd prefer to wait until after episode 7 of this season proves me right.

Well, I guess I'm back (next post in eight months)

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