Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"New Post"

This post will be about the fact that this is a new post. I'm busy. With things. I'm excited for an article I'm writing for the magazine PresentTense, but I can't even think about that now, as I'm doing too much other shit. I will no longer use the word shit on this blog. I might be going to Barnes and Noble tonight, just so I can feel intellectual and smug. How stupid is that? Anyway, I'm really busy, and this blog has been getting too many hits. Stop coming here. I'm just a megalomaniac. There was a really good article I just read on Slate about how the internet is all about being a megalomaniac. I agree. But my site is different, because while whatisdavedoing.com is about a boring person, bibliophile is about me, and I lead an exciting life. And am too cheap and un-computer savvy to have my own real website.

Also, I wrote half instead of have today. I am a genius.

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